Why does the trans movement deserve your attention? Part 2

In brief
  • Kiwis should form an opinion about the rise of transgender theory, as it permeates many areas of society.
  • Unquestioning media promotes one sided narrative, but there are many contrary views overseas.
  • “Inclusive” activists enforce hypocritical nonacceptance.

Inform yourself

Kiwis should be informed about the rise of transgender ideology in the public, educational and legislative realm. Like any free speech issue, being unable to have a civil conversation about transgenderism without fear of being punched in the face or fired from your job stifles dialogue, hinders progress, and limits our understanding of diverse and opposing perspectives.

We observe a trend where public media outlets, social groups, and now government entities have embraced the narrative of activists and incorporated it into various aspects of their content and services.

The inclusion of gender ideology in school curriculums raises valid questions about objectivity, the academic freedom of teachers, and highlights the real potential for our children to be programmed with biassed narratives being taught as objective truths. It is overly simplistic to just group trans people with lesbians, bisexuals and gays, notwithstanding the acronym LBGT. Unlike the LGB, the trans movement is often intrusive to the private spaces of the opposite biological sex. Also unlike the LBG, it often involves medical intervention, much of it irreversible.  

As well as the NZ curriculum now allowing explicit content that most would consider unacceptable and harmful for children, the Government’s curriculum now suggests considering alternatives to natural puberty. Positions critical of this appear to go ignored by bureaucrats and are seen as hateful by activists. 

Why does the trans movement deserve your attention? Part 2 - Centrist
Does the pursuit of ‘inclusivity’ justify forcing your beliefs on others?

Not so sure in many places overseas

Restrictions on gender affirming surgery for young people are spreading overseas. In the United States, several states have put bans in place. In the UK, the “gender affirming model” has given way to an approach more reliant on education and therapy. Treatments for minors are also being rolled back in places like Finland and, notably, Sweden, the first country to recognise legal gender reassignment surgery.

“Inclusive” means accept me even if I don’t accept you

Today our public libraries host “Rainbow Storytimes” aimed at toddlers. It’s forbidden to even question why men dressed in drag want to read to children, or why community funds should be spent promoting it.

The truly concerning factor, in this ideological push, is the fear of abuse  New Zealanders now face if we attempt to have an adult conversation about the implications of this ideology on our society, and most importantly on our children.

Trans activists demand support and use of ideological language, even using the force of law to control such behaviors.

Control of public discourse is often in the hands of activists who demand total acceptance for their beliefs, while regularly exhibiting non-acceptance of others and extremely antisocial behavior.

Feature image by Sleeps-Darkly, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia

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