Former FDA official exposes White House pressure to rush COVID vaccine approval
“If a politician wants to make a difficult decision, they should own it.”
The CENTRIST AI LINKS feed provides an AI curated list of the headlines that best fit the CENTRIST mission.
We don't necessarily agree with the articles in the list, but we think they're interesting.
The CENTRIST AI engine scores the articles across the following dimensions:
If an article meets the threshold on any one dimension, it's in the list.
The coloured bar represents the total percentage score of the dimensions that we measure.
It's not perfect, but we think its pretty good. We hope you find it useful and interesting.
“If a politician wants to make a difficult decision, they should own it.”
“The US is under no obligation to fund globalism.”
What do midwives, internet regulators, and pharmacists have in common?
Meth use plummeted by 50% after police dismantled a Mongrel Mob drug ring.
The Sudd wetland in South Sudan tops the list at 4.5 million tons per year.
“It makes existing residents resistant to growth.”
Balancing economic ties with China and security ties with the US is becoming untenable.
“The hostile attention to this client service is peculiar.”
“If a politician wants to make a difficult decision, they should own it.”
“The US is under no obligation to fund globalism.”
What do midwives, internet regulators, and pharmacists have in common?
Meth use plummeted by 50% after police dismantled a Mongrel Mob drug ring.
The Sudd wetland in South Sudan tops the list at 4.5 million tons per year.
“It makes existing residents resistant to growth.”
Say ‘no’ to heterophobia.
“Rest assured the naughty Natives always comply to the letter of the law.”
Frequent electoral oversight vs government stability.
“…you were obviously flaunting your Mongrel Mob association.”
“If a politician wants to make a difficult decision, they should own it.”
“The US is under no obligation to fund globalism.”
The CENTRIST AI LINKS feed provides an AI curated list of the headlines that best fit the CENTRIST mission.
We don't necessarily agree with the articles in the list, but we think they're interesting.
The CENTRIST AI engine scores the articles across the following dimensions:
If an article meets the threshold on any one dimension, it's in the list.
The coloured bar represents the total percentage score of the dimensions that we measure.
It's not perfect, but we think its pretty good. We hope you find it useful and interesting.
“Suddenly, Te Pāti Maori MPs have gone from political divas perpetually courting media attention to camera-shy dormice.”
This seems a good example of subtle but pervasive media bias at work.
State media frames Kāinga Ora evictions as government failures, and seems to expect the state to provide housing indefinitely, for free, if tenants won’t pay the already subsidised amount.
Waitangi Day has become a ritual of outrage—activists set the terms, the media amplifies grievance, and dissenters are cast as villains.
Are reports of Greenland losing 30 million tonnes of ice per hour as alarming as they sound? A closer look at the numbers tells a very different story.
Did the cyclist break privacy laws? Did the Herald ask the right questions?
“Suddenly, Te Pāti Maori MPs have gone from political divas perpetually courting media attention to camera-shy dormice.”
This seems a good example of subtle but pervasive media bias at work.
State media frames Kāinga Ora evictions as government failures, and seems to expect the state to provide housing indefinitely, for free, if tenants won’t pay the already subsidised amount.
Waitangi Day has become a ritual of outrage—activists set the terms, the media amplifies grievance, and dissenters are cast as villains.
Are reports of Greenland losing 30 million tonnes of ice per hour as alarming as they sound? A closer look at the numbers tells a very different story.
Did the cyclist break privacy laws? Did the Herald ask the right questions?