VFF’s response to MoH data release allegations

Summarised by Centrist

VFF refutes accusations they were given data by the Ministry of Health whistleblower, recently profiled by Liz Gunn, regarding vaccine related deaths yet refused to deliver it to the public. 

They said they had communicated with the person, but ultimately advised them to go back to the original organisation with whom they had been working with to get the data to the public. 

VFF is advising the public now to wait for the data to be properly analysed, noting it’s an incomplete data set and possibly a biassed sample. 

They say they would have handled the whistleblowers’ data differently. That would have meant remaining silent until the data was analysed by overseas experts, involving a respected journalist to present the findings, provide legal advice to the whistleblower, keep the release factual, and share any significant results with international experts. 

Read more over at Voices For Freedom

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