The problem with the welfare state

NZCPR, Summarised by Centrist

Treasury’s recent Long Term Fiscal Projections for the period 2021-2061, highlight a set of predictions that if allowed to happen would send New Zealand bankrupt in the same way several other countries have over recent years.  

The bedrock of any successful democracy is that it delivers government of the people, by the people, for the people. In the case of our current government, and too many other western democracies, this once abiding principle has been subverted. We now have government of the people, by the government, for the government.

The problem with the welfare state we have in New Zealand is that everyone has an incentive to milk as much out of it as they can.

We need to cut back on the powers the government currently exercises, so that it is limited in the main to protecting our rights, not attempting to take care of us in the way they do now.

Read more over at NZCPR

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