Tauranga Council gets flak for decision on unelected iwi reps

Summarised by Centrist

Tauranga-based ACT MP Cameron Luxton has strongly criticised the Tauranga City Council’s decision to appoint unelected iwi representatives to three key committees, granting them full voting rights and salaries funded by ratepayers.

Luxton described the move as “unelected representation is oxymoronic,” adding, “These appointees will develop plans and award contracts that ratepayers will pay for… but they will not be accountable to the people.”

Luxton said he is concerned over what he sees as a betrayal of democratic principles following Tauranga’s recent return to an elected council after a period of administration by government-appointed commissioners.

He pointed to similar decisions in other councils, such as Hastings District Council’s appointment of unelected youth representatives, warning that such practices undermine local democracy.

“Tauranga ratepayers should consider whether those who voted to undermine local democracy deserve re-election in four years’ time,” he stated.

Don Brash argued that Tauranga already has a Māori ward and that additional unelected representation violates the principle of one person, one vote.

“What’s the point of electing a council when it then goes ahead and stacks the deck with the unelected?” he said.

Opponents of the decision are urging Tauranga residents to contact Mayor Mahé Drysdale and councillors to voice their concerns, calling for action before the council finalises the appointments.

Read more over at Scoop and Hobson’s Pledge

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