Survey defies the media narrative showing strong opposition to gender ideology in schools and sports

Bob Mccoskrie discusses gender ideology

Family First, Summarised by The Centrist

Family First has conducted a survey of 1,000 New Zealanders, examining public opinions on gender ideology. The results contradict the media narrative.

“They simply push one message. Affirm affirm affirm. Gender ideology cannot be questioned.”

The survey showed that only 10% of Kiwis believe primary-age children should be taught they can change their gender through medical treatments, while 76% disagree. A significant 54% support banning gender-affirming treatments for under-18s, challenging conversion therapy laws. In sports, just 13% agree with transgender individuals competing according to gender identity, a shift from 39% in 2018.

“We asked ‘Should a teacher lose their teaching licence for misgendering a trans student (refusing to use their preferred pronoun or recognise their gender identity)?’

Only 16% of respondents said yes. Two in three Kiwis (65%) said the teacher shouldn’t lose their licence, and a further 19% were unsure.”
Most Kiwis seem uncomfortable with the imposed gender ideology in schools. Family First calls for a ban on such treatments, removal of harmful gender ideology from the curriculum, and maintaining gender-appropriate sports. This aligns with the majority of New Zealanders, in contrast to the media and some politicians.

Watch the full breakdown over at Family First NZ

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