Read the room! Wellington mayor claims she had to sell her car to cope with cost of living crisis

Summarised by Centrist

Wellington’s mayor, Tory Whanau, says she is feeling the pinch from rising living costs. Whanau said in an interview with Nick Mills that she sold her car to help pay the bills. 

With mortgage rates doubling and business closures increasing, the capital is facing tough times—but Whanau remains optimistic.

Speaking on Newstalk ZB, Whanau shared how she has recently had to tighten her belt and cut back on socialising due to the cost of living crisis.

“I don’t want to downplay the privilege that I have. I have a house, I am the mayor of the city and I am very thankful for that. However I’ve just sold my car to help pay the bills and I walk to work again and my mortgage rates have doubled in the last few years.” 

Whanau’s cash crunch may be surprising to many, considering the mayor has had a recent 3.7% pay rise, which brought her salary to $189,799, she does not have children to support and, notably, she won $1.4m from lotto in 2002. 

The mayor chalked up massive rate increases mainly to needed investments in the city’s water infrastructure. Whanau told Mills that had 3 Waters been passed, it would have spared Wellingtonians significant rate increases. 

Editor’s note: For more understanding of the touted savings from 3 Waters, read Three Water$ – A closer look at the finances

Read more over at Newstalk ZB

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