NZ Universities move further towards becoming ethno-institutions

Summarised by Centrist

In “Universities or indoctrination centres?”academics John Raine, David Lillis and Peter Schwerdtfeger question whether the modern university will  remain a place of higher learning and research “where diverse views may be discussed on any matter”. 

Or will they be transformed into “ethno-institutions” where “modern world science is  diminished through promotion of ‘other ways of knowing’”?

The writers are concerned that: 

“Government now proposes to favour Māori research and researchers over others.” 

The researchers support excellent Māori research, but not “lightweight research of limited reach”, This is because, amongst other reasons, a loss of neutrality in favour of social justice activism and an unclear definition of what Tiriti o Waitangi-led actually means. 

The writers observe several worrying trends in academia, including an acceleration of “Treatyism” in universities and censure. 

Read the full article over at Bassetbrashandhide

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