NZ government faces calls for inquiry into Chinese interference

Summarised by Centrist

Despite pro-democracy Chinese Kiwis raising the alarm about foreign interference, Prime Minister Luxon remains non-committal on launching a public inquiry. Luxon asserts that the government has the situation under control. 

Members of the NZ Values Alliance penned an open letter to the Prime Minister alleging that the Chinese government is influencing politics by donating to campaigns and inserting “pro-China MPs.” 

Despite this, Luxon said he was “comfortable with the settings we’ve got,” but remarked on the importance of raising public awareness about foreign interference.

“You’ve seen us call out foreign interference, you’ve seen the intelligence agencies talk more openly about it, because I actually want to ensure that the literacy across New Zealand is rising about a number of risks that we face around foreign interference. So where we see it, we call it out and we do that publicly and privately,” he said. 

Read more over at Stuff

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