NZ First’s “take back our country” populism may be a winning play

Democracy Project NZ, Summarised by Centrist

New Zealand First aren’t being given the attention they warrant by political commentators in the lead-up to this year’s election.

But if the party does manage to get back into Parliament, it will almost certainly mean a change of Government.

The party’s new slogan “Let’s take back our country” is populist and will resonate with a chunk of voters who feel the country is on the wrong track.

Peters is positioning NZ First as a centre party that can modify the excesses of National and Act. Notably, the second slogan used by NZ First in the weekend was “Certainty, common sense, and experience”.

He’s also being quite deliberate in targeting some of the groups arising out of the anti-vaccination mood. 

Don’t dismiss the power of Winston Peters’ name recognition and Peters’ populist brand could still have resonance with those who want to “keep the bastards honest”.

NZ First’s “take back our country” populism may be a winning play - Centrist

Read more over at Democracy Project NZ

Feature image by Bryce Edwards

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