Not taking a stand on gender issues could cost the National Party

BFD, Summarised by Centrist

Nicola Willis of the National Party’s refusal to take a stand on gender issues like biological men being able to join women’s sports teams, or share change room facilities and toilets with women could cost National party votes, says Wendy Geus.

Voters, upset by Willis’ position, could well be attracted to NZ First, says Geus. As Winston Peters has been very clear on his party’s position: No biological men in women’s sport, toilets or changing rooms.

Willis was asked by The Platform’s Sean Plunkett where she stood on these issues.

Willis replied it’s up to the individual sports companies and facility owners/managers (like swimming pools) to decide on their rules.

Plunkett pressed Willis on rules around changing rooms:

“You’re a mum, how would you feel about your daughters sharing changing spaces with biological men?” he asked.

To which she replied:

“It has literally never happened. It’s a bridge I’ve yet to cross. I’ve got this rule in politics: I deal with the actual events which happen in front of me, that are present to me and that has never happened.”

On Winston Peters’ very clear, no biological men allowed, position, Willis says:

“We’ll see how that all comes to pass.”

Read the full story over at the BFD.

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