MSM inadvertently reveals ‘inconvenient truth’ about global warming

Summarised by Centrist

Corporate media has been pushing the “hottest day ever” narrative, conveniently coinciding with peak summer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. 

But the long-term climate data might not exactly support the idea that the Earth is on the brink of a climate Armageddon. 

According to a new study highlighted by The Washington Post, Earth’s surface temperature appears to have been cooling for the last 50 million years. 

About 100 million years ago, the average temperature was about 36C. Today, it’s just under 15C. This means that the recent warming trend over the past several decades is a blip.

Furthermore, meteorologist Anthony Watts points out that over 90% of NOAA’s temperature stations suffer from heat bias. He says the sheer number of faulty stations means there’s little hope of adjusting the data accurately. And that might explain why some climate scientists are questioning the “crisis.”

Read more over at ZeroHedge

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