Mixed reactions to mini-budget and defence alignment with Australia

Summarised by Centrist

Bryce Edwards writes about budgets and allegiances in his latest missive beginning with Finance Minister, Nicola Willis’, unveiling the “mini-sausage budget,” prompting mixed reactions (and some humour). 

Analysts showed their partisanship with their criticisms, claiming the announcement lacked  substance and focused on politics rather than finances. While Willis emphasised finding $7.4 billion in savings, some argued that this amounted to only 1% of total government spending spread over four years. 

The budget also raised questions about the government’s ability to deliver on promises of tax cuts, given the country’s economic challenges. The government aims to reduce public sector spending, with agencies facing potential cuts. 

Additionally, Prime Minister Chris Luxon’s meeting with Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese signalled New Zealand’s interest in closer alignment on defence and security, including exploring the non-nuclear pillar of the AUKUS agreement. Critics argue that such alignment risks compromising New Zealand’s independent foreign policy while others, like Mathew Hooton, suggest not doing so would be ‘unthinkable’. 

Read more over at Democracy Project

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