Missing something in your diet? You’re not alone: Study suggests billions have inadequate micronutrients

Summarised by Centrist

A new study estimates that more than 99% of people are deficient in at least one vital nutrient, and the consequences could be more serious than just feeling sluggish. Think blindness, anaemia, and weakened bones. 

Published in Lancet Global Health, the study gathered data from 31 countries to estimate global micronutrient intake. It notes the widespread deficiency of important nutrients like iron, iodine, and vitamin E, which affect everything from cognitive development to muscle strength. According to the research, “iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia, leading to impaired cognition and adverse pregnancy outcomes.” Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness.

Ty Beal, the study’s lead author, called the findings “alarming,” saying that the deficiencies “compromise health outcomes and limit human potential on a global scale.” 

Public health practitioners can use the data to target vulnerable populations, including children under 5, half of whom are deficient in vitamin A, iron, or zinc.

Read more over at The Epoch Times

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