Gangs given the soft glove by media and Government

In brief
  • Black Power and Mongrel Mob are criminal biker gangs associated with illegal drugs and violence. 
  • Yet the media platforms some members to opine on various topics as if they’re pillars of society. 
  • Meanwhile, some doctors and teachers are banned from presenting in some media for life for their opinions.

Do you want gang members treated like they’re pillars of the community?

The left normalises the existence of gangs like Mongrel Mob and Black Power by treating some members like they’re pillars of the community. 

Black Power is a gang associated with illicit drugs, murder, and assault. The Mighty Mongrel Mob is involved in drug trafficking, sexual assault, money laundering and extreme violence

Why do we need social commentary from their representatives? In 1971, then Prime Minister Robert Muldoon’s Committee on Gangs sought social solutions to solving the gang problem. Several decades later, the problem is more entrenched than ever. National’s Chris Luxon has vowed to end the Government’s contracts with gangs for community services.

Who is Denis O’Reilly? 

Denis O’Reilly is a lifelong Black Power gang member. He has been called upon by the media and the Government to endorse various causes from promoting COVID vaccinations to defending the use of cultural reports by the courts.  

In August, this year, the NZ Herald gave Mr O’Reilly a generous 2400 word column to voice his dissatisfaction about Julian Batchelor’s Stop Co-governance tour.

They introduce O’Reilly to their readers as: 

“Denis O’Reilly is a lifelong member of  Black Power and lives at Waiohiki, Hawke’s Bay. He is the chairman of the Waiohiki Community Charitable Trust”

In another Herald article they describe him as a “gang kaumatua” (elder). 

To O’Reilly’s credit, he doesn’t appear to be trying to hide his criminal actions. He admitted to them in a 2016 interview with the NZ Herald, stating

“I was part of a movement within the Black Power that stood against the behaviour of what was effectively pack rape, which, to my everlasting shame, I participated in.” 

That article doesn’t surface in a regular Google search, but a 2018 Newshub article titled “Who is Denis O’Reilly?” does.

In this article, his admission to participating in pack rape is greatly minimised. However, the original story was archived by the Way Back Machine and shows the direct admission and the following damning passage has since been removed (see inset). Why this would have been changed is anyone’s guess.

“Mr O’Reilly admits he did horrible things to become a patched member, including taking part in gang rapes or ‘blocking’”. 

Why is O’Reilly’s opinion being considered at all by the media? This is even more extraordinary when one considers that some well recognised and accomplished political commentators, such as Dr Michael Bassett, are banned for life from the Herald. Dr Bassett is a noted historian on NZ politics, held a number of Ministerial positions and was on the Waitangi Tribunal.

Gangs given the soft glove by media and Government - Centrist

The Mongrel Mob and Harry Tam

Harry Tam is a lifetime member of the Monger Mob. His links to Government and Labour are well documented.  

National Party leader Christophe Luxon referred to “Labour, Te Pāti Māori, the Greens and Harry Tam and the gangs” as “a coalition of chaos”.

In June, this year, Eastern Bay of Plenty town Ōpōtiki played host to a massive gang tangi (traditional funeral rite) after a key Mongrel Mob member was murdered by rival gangs. 

Incredibly, Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi decided the correct target of his rebuke wasn’t the murderous gangs, but other politicians! 

“Luxon and Hipkins have no business whatsoever commenting on matters they know nothing about. Keep my iwi’s name out your mouth!” he said

The mainstream media effectively gave Waititi’s comments a pass. 

In an interview with Tam on Waatea News in regards to the tangi, the host concluded that National and Chris Luxon were a problem. “They don’t like to see our men riding their bikes in great numbers,” she remarked.

No mention was made of the threat gangs pose to civil society.

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