Fuel rationing over Christmas

A bad batch

Kiwis are being warned of impending jet fuel shortages leading to rationing over the Christmas period. The rationing could result in delayed or canceled flights, industry unions have said.

The shortage is due to nearly 25 million litres of fuel from Asia being lower quality, and not meeting our regulatory standards. Z Energy, the fuel’s importers, says rationing has been introduced as a precaution, and that there is still a good supply of fuel.

Due to Marsden point refinery no longer functioning there is no way to reprocess the fuel in New Zealand, requiring it to be sent back.

Are we more vulnerable?

New Zealand may be much more vulnerable to fuel supply chain issues than the Government and industry has indicated.

Pilots Union representative Andrew Ridling, who flies international routes, says this is not a problem seen in any other countries. He believes it is an infrastructure issue that needs addressing.

The Government’s planned fuel stock mandates are set to be in place in 2024, but the incident has prompted Energy Minster Megan Woods to investigate if the planned regulations can be fast tracked.

Read more in our energy update. 

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