Fact Check 2.0: Let’s get to the bottom of the vaccine death ‘hush money’ rumours

We’ve heard the rumours

For some time, rumours have circulated in New Zealand regarding alleged government payoffs and Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) related to COVID-19 vaccine deaths. While we are sceptical about the existence of such agreements, we believe it’s essential to uncover the truth. 

Please contact us

If you’ve been subject to one of these NDAs following a COVID-19 vaccine-related death or a severe side effect and are willing to step forward, we invite you to share your story. 

We are committed to:

  • Providing comprehensive legal representation.
  • Reimbursing any money you’re compelled to repay.

Your confidentiality will be safeguarded, and your disclosure will be handled with the utmost discretion and respect. 

Please contact us using the subject line “Let’s get to the bottom of.” 

This is a legally sensitive matter, and no action will be taken until a formal agreement is signed. 

We seek the truth, plain and simple, for the benefit of the public.

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