Embracing AI could eliminate all human errors, but is that good?

Summarised by Centrist

Students were locked out of an online NCEA English exam due to high log-in attempts, forcing them to take the exam on paper. This caused chaos for schools. Some suggest returning to pen-and-paper exams, but Dr Michael Johnston, with tongue firmly in cheek, argues for embracing technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) even more fully. This would eliminate human error entirely, he says.

In fact, says Johnston, AI could set and mark exams, and eventually, AI bots could take exams!  Students can focus on other (rather less productive) activities like bullying each other on social media. Johnston then humorously reverses himself, noting that some human error might not be so bad if it keeps young New Zealanders engaged in more constructive pursuits.

Read more over at The New Zealand Initiative

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