summarised by The Centrist
Dr David Lillis is a teacher, researcher, statistician and lecturer. In reviewing New Zealand’s curriculum for science, technology and the arts he says it’s light on prescription and subject matter details. This means what schools decide to teach will vary greatly (in quality too).
This new curriculum has been refreshed through the lenses of Te Tiriti and embeds traditional knowledge (Matauranga Māori) throughout, giving it equal status with science.
Lillis says this new curriculum may lead to increased societal division and widening of disparities in education outcomes, with more parents opting to send their children to private schools.
Here are 3 of 10 suggestions Dr Lillis and his colleague Dr. Michael Johnston made to repair the current problems in our education system:
1. Reform literacy and numeracy teaching and programmes for primary and intermediate years.
2. Introduce a performance-based career structure for teachers, where promotions are based on professional standards.
3. Terminate the current curriculum refresh project.