Bradford on man made climate change fraud

Summarised by Centrist 

Climate alarmist sceptic Ian Bradford covers a long list of debunked claims made about climate change from some of the movement’s biggest luminaries. 

In “It’s Concerning Just How Many Have Been Sucked in by the Anthropogenic Climate Change Fraud”, Bradford begins with former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s baseless alarmism regarding the “climate emergency”. 

He details how IPCC reports became “gospels for the government”. He also calls former Vice President Al Gore’s influential book “An Inconvenient Truth”, “pure scaremongering”. 

Bradford details decades of past claims of pending climate catastrophe, which never came to pass. He also takes to task the infamous “Hockey Stick Graph” by Michael Mann, which was used to scare a generation of climate alarmists into believing greenhouse gases were out of control. 

He also debunks claims of sea level rise. According to Bardford, there is “no correlation between changes in sea level at these locations and rising Carbon Dioxide levels”. 

Read more over at BreakingviewsNZ

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