Summarised by Centrist
Ipsos has released its 2024 Crime & Law Enforcement Monitor, a survey spanning 31 countries, revealing key insights into public perceptions of crime.
The survey highlights that nearly two thirds of New Zealanders identify unemployment alongside poverty as the primary causes of crime and violence.
Drug and alcohol abuse follows closely, cited by nearly 60%, while just over one third attribute crime to the breakdown of traditional values.
Nearly half prioritise economic growth over crime reduction, suggesting that Kiwis think the key to reducing crime is to improve job opportunities.
Additionally, while 68% trust law enforcement to treat citizens with respect, many doubt their ability to prevent crimes.
Editor’s note: While the survey highlights public perceptions, it may not capture the full complexity of crime. Factors like mental health issues and societal changes are also crucial drivers.
Additionally, fewer New Zealanders see ineffective law enforcement as a primary cause, possibly due to a lack of awareness about structural and operational challenges within the system. These internal issues can impact crime rates and public safety.