A look back at the past six years under Labour

NZCPR, Summarised by Centrist

In 2017, Jacinda Ardern replaced Andrew Little just seven weeks out from the election.

Thus began a media ‘love-fest’ with Ardern dubbed  ‘Jacindamania’.

She declared a climate emergency and introduced the world’s most extreme Zero Carbon Act.

Then Ardern used the tragedy of the Christchurch terror attack to launch her Christchurch Call and lead the world in censoring the internet.

By 2019, we only found out about the radical United Nations’ Agenda 2030 because Ardern boasted about it during a speech she delivered in New York.

As election year dawned, along came Covid.

Our loss of liberty was unprecedented.

Under the guise of fighting the virus a multi-million-dollar army of communications experts was hired to deliver the Government’s message.

Ardern’s introduction of vaccine mandates – in spite of promising before the election not to do so – divided the nation and crushed the human rights of many Kiwis.

Then we discovered ‘He Puapua’. This unmandated plan by Labour’s Maori Caucus to transfer power to the iwi elite through co-governance was, in reality, a fundamental attack on democracy itself.

Public opinion polls are now converging on the view that Labour’s day is almost done. 

Read more over at NZCPR

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