15-minute cities: Freedom or control? 

Summarised by Centrist

The “15-minute city” urban concept, in theory, allows residents to access most necessities within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from their homes. It has been met with a lot of scepticism by some. This sentiment is bolstered by the “Great Reset” conspiracy theory, which holds that a global elite is reshaping society to control populations, a narrative fueled by mistrust in institutions, especially following the pandemic’s vaccine mandates. The central contention lies in increased bureaucracy, state surveillance, and restrictions on private car use.

There’s fear that the model could lead to “climate lockdowns,” restricting people to their neighbourhoods to lower emissions, akin to COVID-19 restrictions.

While some cities, like Hamilton in New Zealand, explore a “20-minute city” model, others like Oxford have faced fierce debates over the closure of streets to through traffic, which has reportedly lengthened travel times. 

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