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Interview with de-transitioner Chloe Cole, who warns of complexities of gender transition surgeries
Chloe Cole is 18 years old and shares her personal journey of transitioning from female to male.

Manufacturing consent with fake news (Operation People)
German media whistleblower Katrin Sebold describes how they create fake news (she’s been privy to it) and how the media manipulates narratives.

DAVID FARRAR: Media Bias Exposed
Many Kiwis view the media as biassed. They are often seen as employees of companies with ideological agendas.

David Seymour on racial discrimination in the health system
Interview on The Platform.

Heart deaths in Australia – Dr. John Campbell
Excess deaths and cardiac issues confirmed by actuaries in Australia, clarifying the need to investigations into the underlying causes.

The Deficit Created By Government Spending
Rodney Hide engages in a wide-ranging conversation with economist Dr Bryce Wilkinson about government (you

Interview with de-transitioner Chloe Cole, who warns of complexities of gender transition surgeries
Chloe Cole is 18 years old and shares her personal journey of transitioning from female to male.

Manufacturing consent with fake news (Operation People)
German media whistleblower Katrin Sebold describes how they create fake news (she’s been privy to it) and how the media manipulates narratives.

DAVID FARRAR: Media Bias Exposed
Many Kiwis view the media as biassed. They are often seen as employees of companies with ideological agendas.

David Seymour on racial discrimination in the health system
Interview on The Platform.

Heart deaths in Australia – Dr. John Campbell
Excess deaths and cardiac issues confirmed by actuaries in Australia, clarifying the need to investigations into the underlying causes.

The Deficit Created By Government Spending
Rodney Hide engages in a wide-ranging conversation with economist Dr Bryce Wilkinson about government (you
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Geoff Neal of The Facts delivers data showing public division over the Treaty debate
“We’ve really failed as a nation to foster healthy democratic discourse when we’ve got one-third of us too scared to talk about it.”

Māori communities pioneer new housing finance model
Collective land ownership has always been a barrier to borrowing.

NZ alarmed over Cook Islands-China agreements
New Zealand and the Cook Islands are “not seeing eye to eye.”

Government to lower investor threshold to attract wealthy foreigners
A “turning point.”

Wills: Silver Fern Farms’ emissions agenda is a ‘Trojan horse for compliance’
“Urging farmers to ‘help out with data’ is tantamount to asking them to dig their own graves.”

New Zealand should embrace crypto trading, says Minister
“Fantastic technology if you want to deal with anti-money laundering.”

Geoff Neal of The Facts delivers data showing public division over the Treaty debate
“We’ve really failed as a nation to foster healthy democratic discourse when we’ve got one-third of us too scared to talk about it.”

Māori communities pioneer new housing finance model
Collective land ownership has always been a barrier to borrowing.

NZ alarmed over Cook Islands-China agreements
New Zealand and the Cook Islands are “not seeing eye to eye.”

Government to lower investor threshold to attract wealthy foreigners
A “turning point.”

Wills: Silver Fern Farms’ emissions agenda is a ‘Trojan horse for compliance’
“Urging farmers to ‘help out with data’ is tantamount to asking them to dig their own graves.”

New Zealand should embrace crypto trading, says Minister
“Fantastic technology if you want to deal with anti-money laundering.”