Cass Review findings challenges drumbeat messaging around youth gender treatments
They’d really prefer it if you don’t ask questions.
They’d really prefer it if you don’t ask questions.
” If they’ve got a problem with that, let’s go!”
Facebook has not offered any clarification.
So the opposite of what we’ve been told.
“Real soul-searching should mean the media reflects on how it has allowed itself to be perceived as distant, elitist, and conformist.”
“…it is fair to say the extra 39% staff added in the last 5 years has achieved no improvement.”
In order to protect democracy, NZ must find a way to rein in its partisan government funded media.
“To keep their traditional media channels alive, they will need to demonstrate professionalism rather than merely claiming it.”
The story is based on what seems to be an over reaction about personal safety from one anonymous source.
Nobody else is meeting their ‘obligations’…Why should we?