Electoral law breaches, whistleblowers, corruption and fraud: Te Pāti Māori under scrutiny over mounting allegations
Political analyst Dr Bryce Edwards has called for a government investigation regarding allegations of: “Illegal and corrupt practices… in the way that Te Pāti Māori (TPM) has been running election campaigns, abusing their use of state-funded processes.”
Did Ardern squander NZ’s chance to ‘influence the world’ and is the current government doing the same?
Did the Jacinda Ardern government push to achieve a stronger global position, considering how much attention she received from international news reports between 2017 and 2023? Is the current government under Christopher Luxon able to pick up the mantle? Otago University authors Peter Grace and Robert Patman are asking.
High excess death rates persist in the West post-pandemic despite vaccines and measures: BMJ Study
A recent study shows that excess death rates have remained high across 47 Western countries for three consecutive years since the onset of the COVID pandemic. But what’s causing it? COVID, containment measures, or the vaccines themselves? It seems that nobody knows for sure.
Canadian class action lawsuit alleges illegal push for COVID vaccines by governments
A class action lawsuit filed by Rath & Company law firm claims that both the Canadian and the province of Alberta governments used illegal practices to enforce COVID vaccinations. The lawsuit alleges that millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on coercive pro-vaccine campaigns to build a “relationship of trust”, which resulted in severe, permanent injuries for many individuals.
Does a new study show tattoos increase blood cancer risk – or is it the lifestyle of tattooed people that is to blame?
Tattoos are associated with a 21% increased risk of lymphoma blood cancer, Lund University Sweden researchers have found. Although the study’s authors caution that the results may suggest it is more the lifestyle of people who get tattoos that increases the risk of cancer.
Rawiri Waititi’s gift to a government poised to win against anarchy
Writer Graham Adams argues that Rawiri Waititi’s controversial actions and statements have inadvertently strengthened the government’s position. He argues that thanks to the Te Pāti Māori co-leader, this government appears more stable and principled in comparison.
Is the news media deliberately ignoring stories which contradict Carbon Net Zero ‘hysteria’?
Stories about increased food production in China and cows reducing greenhouse gas emissions by eating methane-emitting plants are being ignored by the media. Perhaps, according to Daily Sceptic Environment Editor Chris Morrison, it is because they don’t square with the Net Zero “hysteria.”