Journalist Ezra Levant: “They really want you to eat the bugs”

Summarised by Centrist

Detailing his experience at The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant showed audiences an energy bar, explaining

“The word ‘insect’ or ‘bugs’ is nowhere on this. But these are insect protein energy bars, and there was a man giving these out by the hundreds today. They really want you to eat the bugs. This is not a conspiracy theory.”

Instead, the packaging uses the term  “Alphitobius diaperinus” —the scientific name for a type of mealworm larvae.

However, Pumba Foods’ website (named after the bug-loving warthog from The Lion King) uses the term ‘Insect protein’ and lists the ingredients of its Energy 207 product as Alphatobious ‘larvae.’ 

Pumba Foods promotes “upcycled” food. This is a process whereby mealworms are fed with by-products from milling flour —leftover grains and husks that would otherwise be wasted or burned for biogas production.

Levant criticised what he sees as a deceptive campaign to hide insect ingredients from consumers. “I don’t think there’s sufficient disclosure to let people know what they’re eating. I don’t think one in a thousand people knows what ‘Alphatobious diaperinus’ means” he said.

Proponents of insect protein argue it’s a sustainable alternative to livestock, requiring fewer resources to produce. 

Hear more over at Rebel News


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