A critique of Green Party’s rent control policy (Michael Bassett)

summarised by The Centrist

Historian Michael Basset critiques the recent Green Party’s announcement regarding rent control and their proposal to cap yearly rental increases at 3%. He believes that implementing rent controls shows a lack of historical knowledge and understanding of the disastrous outcomes associated with such forceful policies. 

Rent controls have been tried in the past, both in New Zealand and internationally, and have proven to be ineffective and detrimental. Yet, the Greens seem oblivious to this reality.

Bassett says the party has labelled their reactionary response as a policy.

“But the Greens don’t bother to do any research about issues. Its MPs react to problems instinctively; they blurt out those reactions and then label them ‘policies’.”

With the Labour Party facing internal challenges and fading support, the Greens are attempting to secure extreme left-wing voters who share their lack of knowledge and reflection.

Read more over at Basset, Brash and Hide 

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